I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Tim Barfoot at the Autonomous Space Robotics Laboratory at the University of Toronto Robotics Institute, Canada. I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science working at the Continuum Robotics Laboratory at the University of Toronto, Canada. Prior to this, I completed both a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.

My research is primarily concerned with continuum robots focusing on their design, modeling, control and kinematic evaluation. In my Ph.D. thesis, supervised by Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, I investigated parallel continuum robots - manipulators that consist of multiple individual robots that are physically coupled into a parallel structure and work together collaboratively.

Sven Lilge, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Autonomous Space Robotics Laboratory
University of Toronto Robotics Institute
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

sven.lilge at utoronto.ca

Selected Research Projects

Tendon-Driven Parallel Continuum Robots
In the scope of this project, we are researching tendon-driven continuum robots that are working collaborative in parallel coupled structures. The resulting structures can be classified as parallel continuum robots and consist of multiple individual continuous kinematic chains, that are actuated in bending utilizing tendons routed along their backbones. The parallel setup aims to overcome the drawbacks of tendon-driven continuum robots such as a relatively low load capacities and position accuracies, while maintaining their inherent compliance and dexterity.
Previously in collaboration with the Institute for Mechatronic Systems, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany.
Relevant Papers: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 / Seminar Talk

Continuum Robot State Estimation
We repurpose a Gaussian process regression approach to state estimation, initially developed for continuous-time trajectory estimation in SE(3). In our case, the continuous variable is not time but arclength and we show how to estimate the continuous shape (and strain) of the robot (along with associated uncertainties) given discrete, noisy measurements of both pose and strain along the length. Such measurements might be obtained through external camera observations, embedded tracking coils or strain gauges. We demonstrate our approach quantitatively through simulations as well as through experiments.
In collaboration with Tim Barfoot, Autonomous Space Robotics Lab, University of Toronto, Canada.
Relevant Paper: #1 / Blogpost / Seminar Talk

Modeling of Tendon-Driven Continuum Robots
Continuum robots actuated by tendons offer high dexterity and large workspaces relative to their volume. Their flexible and compliant structure can be easily miniaturized, making them predestined for applications in confined spaces. In this project, we are investigating different modeling approaches for such tendon-driven continuum robots, comparing them with respect to their accuracy and computation time. We provide guidelines for the selection of the most suitable approach, depending on the continuum robot design parameters and the envisioned application scenario.
In collaboration with Priyanka Rao, CRL, UofT, Canada, and Quentin Peyron, INRIA, University of Lille, France. Previously in collaboration with M. Taha Chikhaoui, TIMC Laboratory, Grenoble, France.
Relevant Papers: #1, #2 / Code

Human Computer Interaction for Continuum Robots
Due to their high dexterity and good miniturizability, continuum robots are well suited for minimally invasive surgeries. In such scenarios, the manipulator is often directly teleoperated by a surgeon, while the feedback is limited to a camera feed from an endoscope. In this project, we are developing algorithms to further assist the operating surgeon, leveraging additional feedback methodologies during teleoperation as well as control strategies with different levels of autonomy.
Partly in collaboration with Hanna Zhang, CRL, UofT, Canada, and M. Taha Chikhaoui, TIMC Laboratory, CNRS, Grenoble, France. Previously in collaboration with the International Neuroscience Institute, Hannover, Germany, and Fraunhover MEVIS, Bremen, Germany.
Relevant Papers: #1, #2, #3, #4


Journal Articles
Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications
Workshop Contributions
  • Derivation and Evaluation of a Kinetostatic Modeling Approach for Spatial Tendon Driven Parallel Continuum Robots
    Sven Lilge and Jessica Burgner-Kahrs
    Parallel Robots or not Parallel Robots? New Frontiers of Parallel Robotics Workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2022
  • Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Tendon Driven Parallel Continuum Robots
    Sven Lilge and Jessica Burgner-Kahrs
    Parallel Robots or not Parallel Robots? New Frontiers of Parallel Robotics Workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021
  • CTCR Prototype Development: An Obstacle in the Research Community?
    Reinhard Grassmann, Sven Lilge, Phuong Le, and Jessica Burgner-Kahrs
    Robotics Retrospective Workshop at Robotics: Science and Systems Conference, 2020
  • Enforcing Shape Constraints during Motion of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots
    Sven Lilge and Jessica Burgner-Kahrs
    Open Challenges and State-of-the-Art in Control System Design and Technology Development for Surgical Robotic Systems Workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019
  • Towards Learning Force Sensing for a Concentric Tube Continuum Robot
    Heiko Donat, Sven Lilge, Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, and Jochen J. Steil
    Open Challenges and State-of-the-Art in Control System Design and Technology Development for Surgical Robotic Systems Workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019


Fundamentals of Robotics, 2019-2022
Head Teaching Assistant
An introduction to robotics covering basic methodologies, tools, and concepts to build a foundation for advanced topics in robotics. The course covers robot manipulators; kinematics; motion planning; and control. Topics covered in lecture are implemented in a practical environment utilizing both Gazebo simulations and physical Franka Emika Panda robots.
My responsibilities as the head TA included creating course material and assignments, tutoring and supervising students in practical exercises as well as designing and delivering selected lectures.
UofT Course Code: CSC376H5F

Introduction to Continuum Robotics, 2021
Head Teaching Assistant
An introduction to continuum robots. Topics include continuum robot design; mechanisms and actuation; kinematic modeling; motion planning and control; and sensing. Topics covered in the lecture are implementedin a practical environment using a custom simulation framework for continuum robots.
My responsibilities as the head TA included creating course material and assignments, tutoring and supervising students in practical exercises as well as designing and delivering selected lectures.
UofT Course Code: CSC476H5/CSC2606

Plain Academic